Good on ye mate, but what now?

What now? Of course after telling friends and colleagues I’m quitting that question has come up quite a bit. What now? Do you have a new job lined up? (No) Do you have a fixed plan? (No) Is that very smart? (Probably not) But it was necessary and I can feel a new energy coursing […]
Shiiiiiiit, I quit my job

This is not a story of someone leaving google after some years, with tons of savings and an amazing network or something. I just worked for a small IT company in Marketing for almost two years. It was my first “real” office job, after bartending and working in a camera store after university. Now the […]
Find your passion, and live it!

A life full of passion is a life worth living Have you ever wondered, is there more to life than just this? A path full of excitement, full of passion? Picture for a moment, if you will: we go to school, we graduate, we find ourselves a good job (if lucky enough), we hope to […]
Fail conference

The journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur is harder than I thought, and as most people on the more successful side in any field will tell you, failure is a huge part of the journey. Not failing deliberately, but you gotta try things to do things. Not everything is going to work, and developing a […]
How students react to being told they’re beautiful

There’s never a wrong time for a heartfelt compliment. 18 year old Shea Glover, then a student at the Chicago HS for the Arts conducted an experiment. She told people around campus that she was taking photos of “things she finds beautiful”. What she did instead, however is film their reactions to that sentence. It’s […]
Student placement service for studies abroad
This idea is for a business that helps future students avoid horrendous tuition fees in the states (or many other countries), while broadening their horizons. The catch (or bonus): You study abroad in a country without tuition fees. They exist – I live in Germany and there is no such thing as tuition fees here. […]